Alina's Hand Tied Bouquet
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Alina's Hand Tied Bouquet
Allow Alina to create a stunning Hand Tied Bouquet using your desired colour pallette.
The bouquet pictured is our 'Really Special Treat' size. These pictures are a guide rather than an exact representation, changes are sometimes made according to seasonality and availability.
- Priced from £30 upward
The bouquet pictured is our 'Really Special Treat' size. These pictures are a guide rather than an exact representation, changes are sometimes made according to seasonality and availability.
- If you are sending this as a gift and you would like us to send you a picture of the arrangement as it is being delivered, please just select the "Send Photo To Buyer" option to see exactly what you have paid for and what is being delivered. We believe that this service is unique and a vast improvement on the service offered by our competitors. Buy with confidence at Alina Florist, Thirsk, North Yorkshire.
- All our Hand Tied Bouquets are delivered in a presentation box with water reservoir and flower food.
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